Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Peace with Food

I don't think I will ever be at peace with food, I mean I LOVE food!  I eat when I'm happy, when I'm bored, when I'm mad, when I'm sad, or worse when I think I should be hungry.  I eat whenever I feel a type of emotion, and anyone who has ever had a conversation with me knows I'm a pretty emotional person!  So anyone who has struggled with being an emotional eater, what helps you? 

My goal this week is this: I need to come to peace with food.  I need to find something else to reward myself with or make me feel better, because food cannot do any of that for me!  So today, I'm going to start a new hobby, walking.  I enjoy, I've been doing it for around 28 years, so I'm pretty good at it.  And I did buy an awesome ski coat for a football game last year, which could double as a bad ass walking coat.  So today I finally download the runtastic app.  I typically walk at park, but it's not exactly close to where I live, so I'm going to walk in my neighborhood, it does have sidewalks.  The one good thing about the park, one lap around is a mile.  But I'm not sure if they shovel it during the winter. 

On another note, I had an okay eating day, not great but bad.  I did go to boot camp!  The bad news or good news is depending on how you look at it, I was moved into the hard class.  I feel like I don't get the same work out in the hard class as I did in the easy class.  I know this sounds strange, but in the smaller class we did a lot of crunches, etc.  In the hard class it's full out boot camp stuff, with running... LOTS of running, bear crawls, and lots of other exercisers that I can't remember.  With the easy class, I never gave up, worked and worked, but the hard class I find myself giving up or not doing things full out.  So I plan on going back on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Forget this Saturday morning stuff.  I like to sleep in!  Although someone in the hard class did tell me it takes about a month to do everything full out.  I found myself saying out loud, WILL POWER.  It got me through the drill.
Change your diet        Bahaha love this, I'm buying letters tonight!        Not hungry

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