Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yes, I'm aware

Happy 2012!  Funny story: I have a large bulletin board above my desk were I have a few pictures of myself on it.  One picture happens to be of myself in high school, (a student found it and put it up...I just never took it down)  So today a student was looking at it, and asked why I had some random cheerleader stapled to my board!  I started laughing and told this student to look harder, because it was me.  Of course, I wanted to say, YUP!  I'M AWARE THAT I GOT FAT!  What can I say...I had a great time in college and just never got back into the theme of working out and eating right until this year.  So with saying that 2011 was the last fat year of my life. 

Over my winter break, which went by way too fast, I made a count down until the wedding.  Every day I have a motivational quote that I read, and how many days are left until the big day.  I'm currently 177.  I can lose 50 lbs in that amount of time right?  Well, I can say I did not gain any weight over the holidays, in fact I lost 2lbs and then this week I lost 3.1!  I know I can do this, I just need to hold myself accountable. 

My question to anyone reading this... What do you do to reward yourself?  Because I use food...and I have to stop that! 

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